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Apprendre à prononcer capital punishment

capital punishment

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Orthographe phonétique de capital punishment

cap-i-tal pun-ish-ment
cap-ital pun-ish-ment

Significations capital punishment

putting a condemned person to death

Synonymes pour capital punishment

En savoir plus sur le mot "capital punishment" , son origine, ses formes alternatives et son utilisation de Wiktionnaire.

Exemples de dans une phrase

EU Condemns Capital Punishment in Nigeria
Ohio: Moratorium on Capital Punishment Is Extended
It's become an article of faith among supporters of capital punishment that abolitionists are doing everything they can to undermine executions, putting up hurdles and then complaining about delays
Punishment may take forms varying from capital punishment, flogging and mutilation of the body to imprisonment, fines, and even deferred sentences which come into operation only if an offence is repeated within a specified time.
UN's Third Commission passes resolution condemning capital punishment
Écouter UN's Third Commission passes resolution condemning capital punishment prononciation

Traductions de capital punishment

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Antonymes de capital punishment

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