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Apprendre à prononcer tragedy


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Prononciation de tragedy avec 6 prononciations audio
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IPA Phonétique et orthographe
IPA : ˈtræʤɪdɪ
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Significations tragedy

drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or circumstance; excites terror or pity
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tragedy of life
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common tragedy
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human tragedy
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Synonymes pour tragedy

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Antonymes de tragedy

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Exemples de dans une phrase

Hostage standoff in North Reading, Massachusetts ends in tragedy
Écouter Hostage standoff in North Reading, Massachusetts ends in tragedy prononciation
59 Évaluations évaluation Évaluations
Tempers flare over New Orleans tragedy
Écouter Tempers flare over New Orleans tragedy prononciation
55 Évaluations évaluation Évaluations
Allegations President Bush staged photo-ops in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina tragedy
50 Évaluations évaluation Évaluations
The Tragedy Of Macbeth: Release Date, Cast And Other Things To Know About Joel Coen’s A24 Movie
Écouter The Tragedy Of Macbeth: Release Date, Cast And Other Things To Know About Joel Coen’s A24 Movie prononciation
0 évaluation évaluation Évaluations
I Was Supposed to Be A Tragedy But I Wasn't: The Joy Of Growing Up With Sisters
Écouter I Was Supposed to Be A Tragedy But I Wasn't: The Joy Of Growing Up With Sisters prononciation
0 évaluation évaluation Évaluations
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} Évaluations évaluation évaluation Évaluations
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Le tragedy devrait être dans la phrase

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Traductions de tragedy

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Nouvelles tendances sur tragedy

The stories that stick with us: We grieved the school bus tragedy; then we tried to stop any others from happening
Écouter The stories that stick with us: We grieved the school bus tragedy; then we tried to stop any others from happening prononciation
A commuter train had smashed into a school bus in Fox River Grove. There were reports of injuries. The spot where it happened wasn't far from my house. I told my wife I was going there. A fe..Voir l'article
Daily Herald Daily Herald
Hometown Tragedy Premiere: A new true crime series coming to Very Local
Écouter Hometown Tragedy Premiere: A new true crime series coming to Very Local prononciation
Hometown Tragedy is a new Very Local original series chronicling true crimes that changed their communities. The first episode of Hometown Tragedy, the story of Kara and Jessica, premieres o..Voir l'article
WCVB Channel 5 Boston WCVB Channel 5 Boston
What’s next for USC? Utah team reeling from tragedy
Écouter What’s next for USC? Utah team reeling from tragedy prononciation
The Utes are coming off a bye week in which tragedy struck the program for the second time in a year. Sophomore Aaron Lowe was shot and killed at a house party last weekend, 10 months after..Voir l'article
Orange County Register Orange County Register
Remembering the West Nickel Mines Amish School tragedy: Girls ‘were shot execution-style’
Écouter Remembering the West Nickel Mines Amish School tragedy: Girls ‘were shot execution-style’ prononciation
Five girls were shot execution-style in the small West Nickel Mines Amish School in Lancaster County on Oct. 2, 2006. The youngest in the classroom survived. She was 6. The shooting left in..Voir l'article
MLive MLive
The stories that stick with us: How a victim of unthinkable tragedy prevailed over his darkest days
Écouter The stories that stick with us: How a victim of unthinkable tragedy prevailed over his darkest days prononciation
He was there to take part in what's known as a Victim Impact Panel, a court-ordered session at which people convicted of driving under the influence listen to how their reckless behavior can..Voir l'article
Daily Herald Daily Herald
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Commentaires sur tragedy
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tragedy prononciation avec des significations, des synonymes, des antonymes, des traductions, des phrases et des plus

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