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Apprendre à prononcer retrenchment


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Prononciation de retrenchment avec 2 prononciations audio
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IPA Phonétique et orthographe
IPA : rɪˈtrenʧmənt
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Orthographe phonétique de retrenchment

ri-trench-muh nt

Significations retrenchment

It is a noun that means cutting down expenditures by relieving employees.

Synonymes pour retrenchment

En savoir plus sur le mot "retrenchment" , son origine, ses formes alternatives et son utilisation de Wiktionnaire.

Exemples de dans une phrase

Obama's Love–Hate Relationship with Retrenchment
The need of financial retrenchment led to his opposing the proposal that war veterans should receive a cash bonus.
In 1893 the depreciation of silver necessitated stringent retrenchment; but the budget balanced for the first time during many years, the floating debt was converted, and a loan raised for the completion of the Tehuantepec Railway.

Traductions de retrenchment

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Antonymes de retrenchment

Comment prononcer Joan allen?

jone a-luhn
jone a-lu-hn
jo-ne a-luhn
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