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Apprendre à prononcer Naphtali


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Prononciation de Naphtali avec 5 prononciations audio
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Orthographe phonétique de Naphtali


Significations Naphtali

one of the 12 tribes of Israel

Exemples de dans une phrase

For the view connecting Naphtali (perhaps a geographical rather than a tribal term), or rather its Israelite inhabitants, with the south see the full discussion by H.
Rabbi Naphtali Weisz
Écouter Rabbi Naphtali Weisz prononciation

Traductions de Naphtali

Nouvelles tendances sur Naphtali

Rabbi Naphtali Weisz
Écouter Rabbi Naphtali Weisz prononciation
Rabbi Naphtali (Tuly) Weisz recently started Israel365 connecting people all over the world to the beauty and significance of Israel. He can be reached at RabbiTuly@Israel365.co.il. Sign up..Voir l'article
aishcom aishcom

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