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Apprendre à prononcer frontal bone

frontal bone

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Prononciation de frontal bone avec 1 prononciations audio
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Orthographe phonétique de frontal bone

frontal bone

Synonymes pour frontal bone

En savoir plus sur le mot "frontal bone" , son origine, ses formes alternatives et son utilisation de Wiktionnaire.

Contenu Wiki pour frontal bone

Frontal bone - The frontal bone is a bone in the human skull. The bone consists of two portions. These are the vertically oriented squamous part, and the horizontally oriented orbital part, making up the bo

Exemples de dans une phrase

Another character is the absence of a hollow chamber, or sinus, within the frontal bone of the forehead.
Skull elevated and compressed; with the orbit and temporal fossa widely continuous, there being no true post-orbital process from the frontal bone.

Traductions de frontal bone

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Significations frontal bone
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