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Apprendre à prononcer emendations


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Prononciation de emendations avec 1 prononciations audio
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Orthographe phonétique de emendations

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ee-muh n-dey-shuh n
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Exemples de dans une phrase

He had previously entrusted notes and emendations on Shakespeare to Sir Thomas Hanmer, whose unauthorized use of them led to a heated controversy.
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Others have attempted to reconcile the conflicting data by emendations of the figures and other ingenious devices.
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The rubrics of the Scottish portion of the book are somewhat stricter, and, indeed, one or two of the Geneva rubrics were made more absolute in the Scottish emendations; but no doubt the ` Book of Common Order' is best described as a discretionary liturgy.
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The celebrated scholar, Turnebus, complained that some of his emendations had been appropriated without acknowledgment.
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The proof is then returned to the printer, and if these corrections are at all heavy, another proof, called the revise, is submitted, together with the first marked one, so that the author may see that his emendations have been made.
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Traductions de emendations

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Synonymes pour emendations

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