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Apprendre à prononcer dramatists


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Prononciation de dramatists avec 1 prononciations audio
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Significations dramatists

Dramatists Play Service is an American theatrical posting and licensing company founded in 1936 by associates of the Dramatists Guild of America and the Society for Authors' Delegates.
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Quiz sur dramatists


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Collections sur dramatists

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Exemples de dans une phrase

Their several histories were fused by the Elizabethan dramatists, and associated with the Maid Marian of the morris dance, who up to that time had probably only a vague connexion with Robin Hood.
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Ford by no means stood alone among English dramatists in his love of abnormal subjects; but few were so capable of treating them sympathetically, and yet without that reckless grossness or extravagance of expression which renders the morally repulsive aesthetically intolerable, or converts the horri
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After the revival of learning Plautus was reinstated, and took rank as one of the great dramatists of antiquity; cf.
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Hale (Dramatists of To-Day, London, 1906), &c.; The Plays of Mr Bernard Shaw, in the Edinburgh Review (April 1905); Mr Bernard Shaw's Counterfeit Presentment of Women, in the Fortnightly Review (March 1906); Bernard Shaw as Critic, in the Fortnightly Review (June 1907); and an appreciation by
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The dialogue form was used merely to secure an undress manner of approach to his subject; there was no attempt at the dramatic. The book reflects curiously Lowell's mind at this time, for the conversations relate only partly to the poets and dramatists of the.
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Traductions de dramatists

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