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Apprendre à prononcer clockwork


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Prononciation de clockwork avec 2 prononciations audio
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IPA Phonétique et orthographe
IPA : ˈklɒkwɜːk
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Orthographe phonétique de clockwork

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Significations clockwork

any mechanism of geared wheels that is driven by a coiled spring; resembles the works of a mechanical clock
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Exemples de dans une phrase

The compensation was to be obtained by working a slide resistance included in the circuit of the compensating coil, either by the sending key or by clockwork released by the key, so as to vary the resistance in that 0 0 circuit according to any law which might be required to prevent the receiving in
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In the case of the original Repsold plan without clockwork the description is not quite exact, because both the process of following the object and correcting the aim are simultaneously performed; whilst, if the clockwork runs uniformly and the friction-disk is set to the proper distance from the ap
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Nach., 3377, for an illustrated account of the original Repsolds instrument and to the History and Description of the Cape Observatory for a complete description of the most modern form of its application to the Cape transit circle, with and without clockwork.
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In the Konigsberg transit instrument used by Struve and Cohn, the clockwork was attached to the eye-end of the instrument - a condition which is obviously undesirable both from the necessarily unsymmetrical position of the clockwork with respect to the optical axis, and from the impossibility of sec
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Further, by causing the hour circle, and with it the polar axis, to rotate by clockwork or some equivalent mechanical contrivance, at the same angular velocity as the earth on its axis, but in the opposite direction, the telescope will, apart from the effects of refraction, automatically follow a st
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Traductions de clockwork

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Antonymes de clockwork

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