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Apprendre à prononcer clergy


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Prononciation de clergy avec 2 prononciations audio
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IPA Phonétique et orthographe
IPA : ˈklɜːʤɪ
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Orthographe phonétique de clergy

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Significations clergy

diocesan clergy
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orthodox clergy
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A surname that is of American origin and is used globally.
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Synonymes pour clergy

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Antonymes de clergy

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En savoir plus sur le mot "clergy" , son origine, ses formes alternatives et son utilisation de Wiktionnaire.

Quiz sur clergy


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Collections sur clergy

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Exemples de dans une phrase

Ask the clergy: Does Scripture leave anything out?
66 Évaluations évaluation Évaluations
In 1787 and in 1788 he was a member of the Assembly of Notables called together by Louis XVI., and in 1788 presided over the assembly of the clergy.
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Honeycombed as it was by immunities - of seigneurs, of Italian quarters, of the clergy - the kingdom was most seriously impaired by these overweening immunists, who, half-lay and half-clerical, took advantage of their ambiguous position to escape from the duties of either character.
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Rudimentary teaching in reading, occasionally writing, and the first principles of Lutheran faith are given in the maternal house, or in maternal schools, or by ambulatory schools under the control of the clergy, who make the necessary examination in the houses of every parish.
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He organized the national guard, applied the civil constitution of the clergy, and regulated the finances of the city so as to tax the rich heavily and spare the poor.
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Le clergy devrait être dans la phrase

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Traductions de clergy

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Commentaires sur clergy
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