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Apprendre à prononcer antibacterial


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Prononciation de antibacterial avec 1 prononciations audio
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IPA Phonétique et orthographe
IPA : æntɪbækˈtɪərɪəl
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Significations antibacterial

It is a term that belongs to the category of an adjective, which means the drug that us used against the bacteria.
It is a term that belongs to the category of an adjective, which means the drug that is used against bacteria.

Synonymes pour antibacterial

En savoir plus sur le mot "antibacterial" , son origine, ses formes alternatives et son utilisation de Wiktionnaire.

Exemples de dans une phrase

AmpliPhi Biosciences: Developer Of Antibacterial 'Smartbombs' (APHB)
Could antibacterial clay fight superbugs?
Antibacterial toxin discovery could open up new infectious disease treatments
At the same time, millions of Americans are putting it in their mouths every day, by way of a top-selling toothpaste that uses the antibacterial chemical to head off gum disease -- Colgate-Palmolive Co
Antiviral, antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

Traductions de antibacterial

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Antonymes de antibacterial

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