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alternative energy

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Orthographe phonétique de alternative energy

al-ter-na-tive en-ergy
alternative energy
al-tern-at-ive en-ergy

Significations alternative energy

energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment

Synonymes pour alternative energy

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Exemples de dans une phrase

Google to invest in alternative energy
Écouter Google to invest in alternative energy prononciation
Matt Kropf, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Director of Energy Institute and Alternative Energy, will be there
4 High-Yielding Alternative Energy Investments
11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Construction is underway in Northern Missouri on an innovative $80 million renewable energy project, developed and constructed by Roeslein Alternative Energy, LLC (RAE) in collaboration with Murphy-Brown of Missouri, LLC (MBM) the livestock production subsidiary of Smithfi
After the university developed a wind-turbine testing site with Underwriters Laboratories LLC, West Texas A&M University's Alternative Energy Institute has renewed its focus on testing other renewable energy products
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