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Apprendre à prononcer adjunct


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Orthographe phonétique de adjunct

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Significations adjunct

a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another
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something added to another thing but not an essential part of it
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a construction that is part of a sentence but not essential to its meaning and can be omitted without making the sentence ungrammatical
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useful adjunct
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Synonymes pour adjunct

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Antonymes de adjunct

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Collections sur adjunct

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Exemples de dans une phrase

Albany Several hundred adjunct professors at The College of Saint Rose will be voting next month on whether to unionize in order to push for better pay, benefits and more secure contracts
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In 1762 a quarrel with Miller placed him in a position of some difficulty from which he was delivered by an introduction to Count Rasumovski, who procured his appointment as adjunct to the Academy.
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The universal belief in the efficacy of invocation as an indispensable adjunct to sacrifices and religious rites generally, could not fail to engender and maintain in the minds of the people feelings of profound esteem and reverence towards those who possessed the divine gift of inspired utterance,
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He graduated in 1840 from Lafayette College, where he was tutor in mathematics (1840-1842) and adjunct professor (1843-1844).
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Traductions de adjunct

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my ik foh-lee
mik foh-lee
mee ik foh-lee
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