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Apprendre à prononcer Zimpel


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Prononciation de Zimpel avec 1 prononciations audio
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Apprenez la prononciation de Zimpel avec vidéo

Vidéo Prononciation de Zimpel en Anglais

Orthographe phonétique de Zimpel


Significations Zimpel

It is the surname of a Clarinetist Waclaw, who gained immense recognition for the album song " sine tapes".

Contenu Wiki pour Zimpel

Exemples de dans une phrase

Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal
Écouter Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal prononciation
Zimpel/Ziołek live at End of the Road
Écouter Zimpel/Ziołek live at End of the Road prononciation
Kiezsalon w/ Hüma Utku, Waclaw Zimpel & Thomas Ankersmit
Écouter Kiezsalon w/ Hüma Utku, Waclaw Zimpel & Thomas Ankersmit prononciation
Holden & Zimpel live in Düdingen
Écouter Holden & Zimpel live in Düdingen prononciation

Traductions de Zimpel

Nouvelles tendances sur Zimpel

Holden & Zimpel live in Düdingen
Écouter Holden & Zimpel live in Düdingen prononciation
Beim niederländischen Festival „Verknipt“ in Utrecht infizierten sich am 3. und 4. Juli rund 1000 Besucher mit Corona - trotz vorherigen Testungen und Hygiene-Maßnahmen. Der Fall zeigt die R..Voir l'article
Musikexpress Musikexpress
Kiezsalon w/ Hüma Utku, Waclaw Zimpel & Thomas Ankersmit
Écouter Kiezsalon w/ Hüma Utku, Waclaw Zimpel & Thomas Ankersmit prononciation
UPDATE: We are happy to have added Polish multi-instrumentalist composer Waclaw Zimpel to the line-up. Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions, Amanar will no longer perform at this event.
image-unavailable Regioactive
Zimpel/Ziołek live at End of the Road
Écouter Zimpel/Ziołek live at End of the Road prononciation
Copyright © 2021 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking.
image-unavailable BBC
Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal
Écouter Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal prononciation
My research is inspired by real world challenges that can inform both academia and industry. The current research is aligned to the UK’s Industrial Strategy grand challenge “Ageing Society”...Voir l'article
image-unavailable University of Sheffield

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